Saturday 6.29.13

Coaches Choice, 10min time limit
Teams of 3-4 people complete the following
1min Mt. Climbers
2min Jumping Lunges
3min Kettle Bell Swings or Ball Slams or Plate to Overhead or all 3
4min Burpees
5min Doubles, Singles, Tuck Jumps or Jumping Jacks
2min Rest
5min Doubles, Singles, Tuck Jumps or Jumping Jacks
4min Burpees
3min Kettle Bell Swings or Ball Slams or Plate 2 Overhead or all 3
2min Jumping Lunges
1min Mt. Climbers
Scoring this thing would be a logistical nightmare, so you’re doing it to do it.
Protocol for work:
Mt. Climbers and Lunges: Everyone working at once, rest as needed
KBS/Ball Slam: Max of 2 people working, break work load into :30sec on/off 
Burpees: Max of 2 people working, break work load into :30sec on/off
Jumping: Max of 2 people working, break work load into :30sec on/off
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