CrossFit Golden: Wednesday 5.6.15


Dr. Dorian will be in tomorrow from 4:45-7:00pm tomorrow!


It’s John’s first full week with us here at CFG. Looking good on that KB Swing form! Welcome aboard, John!


Gymnastics Playtime!
Take 15-20 minutes to cycle through and practice various gymnastics elements that you need to work on – examples . . .

Pistol Progressions x 4-6 reps each leg, Handstand Holds or Walks (freestanding or supported) x 60-90 seconds, L-Sits x 30-60 seconds, L-Pull-Ups, etc…


Against a 3 minute running clock, complete:
400 Meter Run or Row
Wall Ball Shots (20/14#) x Max reps
Rest 3 minutes
Repeat for a total of three sets.

Athlete goal should be a minimum of 5-10 Wall Ball reps each round. Modify Run/Row distance to allow that, if necessary.

Score is total reps between all three rounds, but write each round total in comments.

Example: Total Score- 40
Comments: 15/15/10


30-Day Ab Challenge:

Day 24-

55 Crunches

40 V-Sits

46 Leg Raises

60 Second Plank Hold