CrossFit Golden: Tuesday 5.3.16

CrossFit Kids- 4:30pm
CrossFit Endurance- 5:30pm (at track)
Jo, who has been working for years on this, got her first strict pull-up on Monday! Congrats!!
3-Position Clean (Every 2 minutes, for 16 minutes (8 sets))

High Hang, Mid-Thigh, and then from the Floor

Aim to hang onto the bar for first two, then drop and reset for third


In 12 minutes, complete as many ladders as possible from 1 to 5 reps of Hang Power Clean, with approximately 75% of your 1-RM Power Clean
Every time the barbell hits the floor, perform 5 Push-Ups

Example – Perform 1 Hang Power Clean, drop the barbell, perform 5 push-ups and rest as needed; then perform 2 Hang Power Cleans, drop the bar, perform 5 push-ups and rest as needed; then perform 3 Hang Power Cleans, drop the bar, perform 5 push-ups and rest as needed; etc…up to 5 Hang Power Cleans, then start again at 1. If you drop the barbell before you achieve the designated number of reps in that set, you must begin that set over – i.e., if you drop the bar on your fourth attempt of your set of 5, you must begin the set of 5 again from 0.