CrossFit Golden: Tuesday 3.25.14

NOTE to our wonderful members who are participating in the CrossFit Games Open:

As long as you submit your scores on the website by 6pm on Monday night, your score is going to be fine. 

Please, please, please, don’t text our very own Greg Walker asking if your score went through. I promise, if you submitted it, it’ll be posted when he verifies it. We love you.




Check out Birddog with our man, Dan the….. Face?



Four rounds:

Dumbbell Shoulder Press (4-6 reps @ 2011)
Rest 90 seconds
Good Mornings (6-8 reps @ 3011)
(On the Good Mornings, NO HEAVIER than 45lbs, this is active recovery from our deadlifts yesterday)
Rest 90 seconds


In teams of two, with only one partner working at a time, partners alternate to complete 7 rounds each of:

Man-Makers x 5 reps

1 Man-Maker:
Push-Up, Left Raise, Right Raise, Stand, Push Press