CrossFit Golden: Tuesday 12.31.13

Main – CrossFit


Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

TABATA: Air Squats (pause at bottom)

Rest 3 minutes

TABATA: Push-Ups (pause at top of plank)

Rest 3 minutes

Tabata: Sit-Ups


– Workout will last 18 minutes

– Tabata = 20 seconds of work/ 10 seconds of rest for 8 rounds of the specified movement

– Score (in Wodify) will be combined lowest number of reps gained in a 20 sec round of the Three Tabatas.


If for air squats 20-19-18-17-16-14-13-12, your score for the squat tabata would be 12)

Then for Push-ups its 20-19-18-14-14-14-13-14, your score for the push-up tabata would be 13)

Then for sit ups 15-15-15-15-14-15-15-15, your score for the sit up tabata would be 14)

Score for Workout: 39 (12+13+14)